Category Archives: Interviews

Katherine Ramsland and Linda Fairstein in Suspense Magazine and on Crime and Science Radio


This month’s edition of Suspense Magazine features two of my favorite folks: Katherine Ramsland and Linda Fairstein.

First there is the transcript of Katherine’s visit to Crime and Science Radio where Jan Burke and me discussed her book on the BTK Killer. Check it out.

Learn more about Katherine and listen to the show:

Then a wonderful interview with Linda Fairstein, who was also our guest on Crime and Science Radio. 

Learn more about Linda and listen to the show:

Check out all 70 Crime and Science Radio shows:–science-radio.html

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Crime and Science Radio Rewind: Judging Science: Evidence and Courts with Marcia Clark


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Courtesy of SUSPENSE MAGAZINE May/June/July 2018

Suspense Magazine May June July 2018 Cover Online copy

Marcia Clark: Judging Evidence

Interview by Jan Burke

Listen to the Interview

Former Prosecutor Marcia Clark is a person most people know. Whether you are an avid reader of thrillers and have been enjoying Marcia’s fantastic character, Rachel Knight; or you are one who is interested in the world of crime and punishment; or even if you are one who loves sitting in front of TruTV to watch high-profile cases play out in the courtroom, Marcia Clark has become a household name in one way or another. 

Recently, Marcia sat down with Jan Burke, host of Crime & Science Radio, to have an in-depth discussion regarding all areas of law and order. From the rules of evidence to some of the ways forensic science is used in the plots of her riveting legal thrillers, everything is covered.

Jan Burke (J.B.): Thank you for joining us, Marcia. Today we’re going to talk about some of your experiences as an attorney, your books, and the perceptions and misperceptions people have about the law, evidence, and science in the courtroom. To begin, how old were you when you decided to become an attorney?

Marcia Clark (M.C.): I did not start out to be one, actually. I took Poli Sci as an undergrad and soon found out the degree was basically worthless…

J.B.: I majored in the lucrative field of history, so I completely understand.

M.C.: I thought I was going to work in the State Department in the foreign office, which is what I wanted to do. And because I spoke various languages, I thought they would find that useful. Instead, they asked me if I could type. They really don’t like girls. I know a woman who works in the State Department now who says they still don’t like girls, so that’s interesting…

I floated around for a year or two and wound up saying: “Lawyer. I think that works.” And I applied at the last minute to law school and took the LSAT, hung over. I wasn’t exactly your most devoted fan of the law, but I became one.

J.B.: So you weren’t one of those people who in second grade stood up and said, “Objection!” to their teachers?

M.C.: I said all kinds of things to my teachers, actually, but not that one. That would have been a nicer one. But that’s a story for another day, Jan. When I was a kid I wanted to write. I liked writing, I liked acting, but I didn’t have faith in my ability to earn money doing either one of those, so…

J.B.: Which law school did you attend? 

M.C.: Southwestern, here in Los Angeles.

J.B.: And ended up working in defense?

M.C.: Yes, I started out as a criminal defense attorney. No way was I going to work for “THE MAN.” The thought of being a prosecutor never even entered my head. I clerked for a defense firm for about two years and then I worked as an associate for about a year and a half. When it came to the point where it seemed I was always defending violent criminals, I realized that I’d rather prosecute. In fact, I felt like I did not want to practice law anymore at all unless I was a prosecutor. So when I went in for my interview, the D.A. at the time was John Van de Kamp, I told him that I thought I was done with law if I couldn’t be a prosecutor. 

J.B.: So, you’ve worked in this field for quite a while and created Rachel Knight in your books. In what ways does the real life of a D.A. differ from what you see in books and on the screen?

M.C.: One thing for sure, is when it comes to books or TV, we all cut out the boring parts. Writing motions, doing research…not really sure how you could take that and make it exciting. Reading. Yeah, she’s still reading…. Typing. Yeah, she’s still typing…. We cut out all of the necessary but boring routine stuff. 

A D.A. is out in the field more, especially when speaking of the special trials unit. The thing with special trials is that we pick up the case the day the body is found, which means we’re out on the streets with the cops and detectives a lot. We interview all witnesses on every case. I never took a case to trial without talking to all witnesses first—outside; where they were—especially at crime scenes if I could, so they could walk me through, show me what they saw, where they saw it from, etc. That usually put me in a better position in court. 

J.B.: That is a whole different level, the special trials unit for the L.A. County D.A.’s Office. I’m assuming this is a division that not every jurisdiction has?

M.C.: Or even every prosecutor. In L.A., the thing unique about special trials is we do that kind of vertical prosecution from the bottom up. Because they handle all the high-profile, complex cases, they need that time to go out in the field and get that information. Most prosecutors get the ordinary cases very shortly before the jury trial commences, which counts for the pressures that are most common. Other jurisdictions do it differently. I’ve heard New York actually does have, as a matter of routine, the prosecutors going out in the field with the detectives. I don’t know that’s true, but since everyone does things differently I would imagine the bigger offices where there is more crime would have less opportunity to do that. Because it would require an office with a lot of prosecutors to be able to do this kind of prosecution. The D.A.’s office in L.A. is the biggest in the world. Makes sense, the county is huge. If it were a state it would be the 7th largest in the U.S. 

J.B.: What would make it a special trials case? Would it be based on the high-profile and complexity of the case?

M.C.: Cases that will attract a lot of media attention. The Menendez brothers, for example, was a special trials case. Phil Spector. Those are the kinds of things that rate being a special trials case.

J.B.: We all have seen everything from L.A. Law to Law & Order, not to mention reading the legal thrillers out there. Can you name a few of the errors and clichés in those that make you go nuts. Such as, watching a legal drama where everyone in the room is riveted, yet you break out laughing because of the blatant error? 

M.C.: You know what you and I have laughed most about is the forensic stuff they do. Like finding an eyelash in a field that can be traced to just one person. And I say, “Really? Out there in the field with the alfalfa you found an eyelash? Wow!” 

They will also have those prosecutors arguing with the judge about what piece of evidence should or should not come in. You don’t really get to do that. They also strut around the courtroom which in real life most judges would never allow you to do. (Although some will, as we know.) There’s a certain level of showmanship for the sake of drama where an attorney will argue with a judge, whereas in real life the judge would say settle down. Not to mention the rulings. Judges offer rulings on TV that I wish in my wildest dreams I could get in.

J.B.: One of the things I’ve noticed with both the forensic science shows and courtroom dramas is the amazing amount of science that has not passed any rule of evidence I know about, getting in. I don’t even know if most people are aware of the rules of evidence. Not to mention the rules about what you can do to an arrestee to get a confession. 

M.C.: Exactly. You really aren’t allowed to beat them with phone books. That cracks me up on TV, having cops out there beating the suspect up and getting a statement that will later nail him in court and all will be fine. Which, of course, would never happen; that is the anomaly. Cops, by and large, do not do things like that and do not get away with them if they do. You need to read them their rights, you need to get a valid waiver because you can’t get the statement in without it. And on TV the statements always come in so clean. The suspect admits or denies. Easy. But in real life, if you get the statement, a confession is a “yes, but…” An approach avoidance. “I did this but I didn’t do that.” Which means the best thing for the prosecutor is not to use it at all. Unless you think you can’t prove the case without it. They don’t show reality and I think if they did, and what the prosecutor has to do to overcome, it would make for a better story. 

Then there’s the other thing you were talking about, the rules of scientific evidence. You don’t just get to put in scientific evidence because you want to. It has to pass muster. You usually have to have a hearing if it’s something new in the field. In the very beginning, when DNA was new, you had to have these incredibly long hearings where you had to show that the DNA testing methods were accepted in the scientific community. It was no easy thing to prove. So there are quite a few hoops to jump through before this stuff gets into evidence. 

J.B.: The person in a show who has discovered some new way of processing something, like photo-manipulations, really drives me crazy. The court certainly wouldn’t like you bringing in doctored photos.

M.C.: And they won’t let you. Not to mention, the defense will object. Even if it’s just a blowup, the defense can and will look at it to see if it’s distorted in some way. You don’t just get to do whatever you want.

J.B.: In the real world there are these tests that must be done on evidence, so the judge is going to ask you to bring in experts. I assume the defense gets to bring in their experts to say something is not reliable or accepted?

M.C.: Yes, each side gets to bring in their experts and the judge must make a ruling; basically saying it is or is not reliable, or accepted by the community, or meets the standard for admission into evidence, which requires testimony from both sides before a ruling can be made. Towards the end of DNA acceptance, the defense was more and more getting into the position of, “Never mind calling the witness, it’s not worth it. It will just come in.” And they would just kind of make a record by cross-examining the prosecution’s expert. We’re at the point now when the DNA evidence does all come in, but there will be new methods of DNA testing that will require the same expert testimony before its allowed in, in the future. PCR testing was relatively new when we were working on Simpson and that required all kinds of hearings: you were allowed to use it to exclude people but not to identify. 

J.B.: I think this week in the news they were talking about the third trial of some individual and how they had an expert at “touch DNA” who has apparently testified sixty times. That may sound like a lot, but when you look at the whole country, that’s not many trials. I think that is one of those areas when we speak about DNA and how small of an amount you actually need. I think a lot of people don’t understand forensic science. Things change. You can always find yourself feeling very sure about something in one decade, and yet a decade later it changes. I know the FBI goes through this with everything from hair evidence to bite marks; they even once thought fingerprints could be challenged?

M.C.: They don’t get too far with that, however, because proving two people have identical fingerprints is quite a reach. And fingerprinting has been around so long that if we really had a problem with people having identical fingerprints, we would have seen this happen by now. The fingerprint databases are so huge; they’re vast, in fact, and we aren’t finding people with the same fingerprints.

But with DNA being so new and the databases not nearly as vast, although they’re growing every day, the biggest challenge used to be that the databases were so small you could not justify that no two people could have the same DNA. Of course, as time moves forward, I think we are becoming certain of that fact. But the databases are still not nearly as big as the fingerprint databases.

J.B.: I think a lot of people have, for better or worse, watched trials on TV and probably noticed that there will be experts that contradict each other. How do you choose your forensic expert, or do you live with the guy the lab sends over to you?

M.C.: Usually you have to live with the guy they send over to you. LAPD has a crime lab and the one who is assigned to you is the one you get. The only time you might get to choose outside that box is when their tech has a problem, can’t testify, or it’s a heavy-duty case. Not necessarily a high-profile case, but one that offers serious charges like murder. In that case, they might let you find another expert to back up what you have already done. Typically evidence goes straight to LAPD, especially now that they have a crime lab with a DNA lab up and running. Back when I began, before Simpson, we had to use Cellmark because the LAPD did not have a crime lab and were not set up to do DNA testing. Because there was such a big challenge in the Simpson case, we ended up sending our samples to not only Cellmark but also the Department of Justice. At one point, even before that, I wanted to agree to let the defense expert, Ed Blake, do the testing. I knew he was a good guy and we could share all of these results. But the defense didn’t want to share these results…

J.B.: Mmm. How funny…

M.C.: Typically, though, your jurisdiction has their own place. I think in the south part of California, in Riverside, they use Biotech. But whether it’s a private lab or one associated with the police station, you can reach outside that and get other experts—but only in very unique cases. 

J.B.: When we see defendants in courtroom dramas, they are quite often suave, well-behaved, in suits. But I would assume they are not people who represent the “average bear” brought to trial. Tell us, in your experience, the criminal mind and demeanor of the types of people who came before you, more often than not.

M.C.: I love that, too, that they always have the cool, charming types. Not to say that type of defendant doesn’t appear, but it’s rare. That kind of defendant is normally a sociopath. They are not necessarily a serial killer, but they commit crimes for pleasure, fun, and sometimes for profit. That kind of defendant is more in control of the instrument than your typical defendant. Typical defendant is: Johnny tells Eddie, let’s go rob that liquor store, and then they grab someone’s gun and go do it. And then, BOOM! They get locked up immediately because they’re idiots and wind up in court. Typical of these defendants is poor impulse control, and that poor impulse frequently finds its way into the courtroom. They’ll give hard looks to witnesses, pop off and say things in front of the jury, yell at their lawyers, and basically do things that are bad for them. 

J.B.: In a book or on TV you have to create a worthy antagonist. Not much of a story if it’s the Johnny and Eddie type.

M.C.: People ask me all the time about my books, “Are these the cases you handled?” I always say that if I told you the real story of real cases the book would be over in two pages. They went to rob a liquor store. BOOM! Story over. 

J.B.: Let’s talk about legal terms. People hear words that have legal meaning that they misunderstand sometimes. (For writers out there, I recommend getting yourself a great legal dictionary.) For example, I see a lot of confusion between homicide and murder and between murder and manslaughter.

M.C.: And that is a really common one. Homicide means that you have an indication of criminal agency. Somebody died at the hands of another, but whether what they did falls under first degree, second degree, or homicide is a separate issue. Homicide just means that a criminal agency is involved in the murder; someone is dead and didn’t get there naturally. If this is not true, then it’s deemed a suicide. If it is a homicide, you then move to the question of what kind/type of crime it was. Was it murder? First degree means it was a premeditated murder; there was some planning before the act was done. But as the jury instructions will tell you, planning does not require any particular length of time. If I pick up a gun and say, “I’m going to shoot you,” and then do it, that’s premeditation. In that one breath, that’s enough; first degree is an intentional killing and doesn’t require any particular length of time. 

Second degree can be a rash impulse. The kind of murder that occurs in the course of a fight or argument, which is not premeditated. Then you have manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter is a killing where there is some type of mitigating influence. By that I mean, something that makes it less than murder. We are all familiar with killing in the heat of passion. For example: If you are in a bar fight and someone throws a bottle at you and you hit him over the head with a bottle and kill him, that’s most likely involuntary manslaughter. The other way you can receive manslaughter is if you believe, even if that belief is unreasonable, that you must defend yourself. Such as the George Zimmerman case. The theory behind this form of manslaughter is someone is threatening you and you honestly believe you need to defend yourself with force. But if it’s not a reasonable belief; there is no justification. This is called unreasonable belief in the need for self-defense. That, too, can get you manslaughter. Now if you have reasonable belief, that’s a complete excuse and you are not guilty of anything.

J.B.: And will you be the one collecting the evidence and coming to that conclusion? Who determines the charges to be filed? 

M.C.: The decision on what to file is also something specific to the special trials unit. The ordinary cases go through what is called the “Complaints Division” downtown. In branch court, they’re called filing deputies. All they do is when the cops bring in their reports and say, “I want to file charges against Joe Smith,” the filing deputies look at the reports and decide what they have there and decide what charges to file. When you are in a specific unit, like special trials, the detectives come right to me and say what they want to file against Joe Smith, such as, we think he’s good for murder. I review the reports, what we have, and I decide whether or not I agree with the detectives and then file whatever charges I see.

J.B.: I’m assuming this can lead to tension? When the cops believe they have a case every time?

M.C.: Not all of them. Some are reasonable. They will come in and say it’s a little skinny now but review the reports and tell me what you think I’m missing. Frequently, in those situations, I do a reject pending. Which means I reject the case pending further investigation, but that means it’s not really rejected. I’m just saying go out and get more stuff. If you’re working with reasonable police officers and you’re reasonable, it’s fine. 

On some occasions you will have someone chomping at the bit, snorting fire out of his nose, etc., who states: “I have Joe Smith for murder and you have to file this.” I have gotten into it on one or two occasions with detectives. Once they even went over my head and went to the big honcho and said, “I think we’ve got it and she’s wrong.” They backed me but, needless to say, it was a very uncomfortable time and a lot of tension and anger. They come in believing in their case and they should! Unless they come in and say they just need to show they’re working with a D.A. and looking for a reject pending which they’re fine with, that’s another story. But if they come in really believing there should be a specific filing, then they ought to be behind their own case. That’s why you need checks and balances. You can’t just have one person making all the decisions which is why it’s good to have a prosecutor on the outside saying, “Look, if I take this to trial the defense is going to say you’re missing x, y, and z.” For example, your eyewitness isn’t strong. Or he’s a gangbanger from the rival gang of the defendant who will say anything to nail the defendant, etc. Then they need to go find me corroboration.

J.B.: Getting back to some of those terms. What does reasonable doubt really mean? I think we’ve reached a point where people think anything can be proven with physical evidence. And that this evidence is always available, testing is available, and if you’re not bringing it in then you didn’t look hard enough for it.

M.C.: You’re right, it is a very big problem. You have these cases that get highly publicized with tons of evidence. There’s hair, blood, DNA, saliva—everything you can imagine and you have it all. That’s cool. But it is not common. First, not all crimes provide evidence; a burglary very seldom leaves you more than fingerprints and you rarely get those. Or you’re relying on an eye witness living down the street who got a glimpse of someone…good luck with that one. Juries have a skewed look at things. They believe we should always have DNA and a wealth of physical evidence. And maybe someday we will. Maybe one day evidence collection will reach the point where we will be able to get electro-static footprints out of dust, and all that cool stuff, but we’re not there yet. Most cases don’t provide such things and as a result juries wind up equating lack of physical evidence with reasonable doubt. 

But, here’s the thing, Jan. I handle criminal appeals across the state of California from the northern tip to the southern tip now, so I have a better chance to see, overall, what juries are doing than I ever did before. I see them convicting without physical evidence all the time. But in other cases, juries may come in and decide they simply like a defendant more than they like the prosecution or the victim. I just handled a case, which was quite interesting, where they charged three defendants with murder and the three defendants came off better than the victims did. The jury ended up acquitting two and convicting the third on manslaughter. Ordinarily, a case like that where the victim is unarmed and the defendant went and got the weapon used, would have led to murder convictions across the board. But this jury did not cotton to the victim and it went the other way. That wasn’t about physical evidence or lack thereof at all. 

That’s why reasonable doubt bothers me because it is a very elastic term. The problem is a jury can say reasonable doubt when really, objectively speaking, isn’t what they’re doing. What they are doing is converting “reasonable doubt” to “reason to doubt.” People find a reason to doubt that the sun is going to rise tomorrow. Apocalypse tonight and the sun doesn’t rise. That’s a reason to doubt. But is it reasonable? No. But that’s what happens with juries which is sometimes why you end up with odd verdicts. They come out and say there’s reasonable doubt and the people watching say, “What? There was a reason.” Well, you’re right, but the jury found a reason to doubt.

J.B.: Now, what does circumstantial evidence mean?

M.C.: Keeping it simple, circumstantial evidence is, say, a fingerprint. Why? Because you have to deduce from the fingerprint that the person who left that print is guilty of the crime. You didn’t see him do it, because that would be direct evidence, so that’s the short version of it.

J.B.: Which means most all evidence is circumstantial? 

M.C.: Yes. Anything short of the defendant saying, “I did it,” or an eyewitness picking them out of a line-up is circumstantial.

J.B.: Here’s another one I believe people don’t quite understand: Legally insane.

M.C.: Here’s the thing. It is a very high standard to prove someone is legally insane. You have to prove they did not understand the nature or quality of their act, and that they could not control their behavior. Basically, they did not know what they were doing. You’re talking about a person walking into a bar, shooting three people, but actually believing that he was spraying flowers with insecticide. You know what I mean. It’s that level of disorientation or lack of reality in what he’s doing and very, very few criminals can meet that test. It is very rare. Legally insane really does mean a person who does not understand or appreciate the nature and quality of his act. And who does that really fit?

J.B.: So those sitting at home saying you must be crazy to want to take someone’s life…that’s not the standard. 

M.C.: And if it were, you would have to rule everybody legally insane because what sane, rational person decides they have to kill somebody. No matter what that person might have done to you, do you really have to kill the person? We used to have a test in California a long time ago called “Irresistible Impulse.” That was where they said, if a defendant had an irresistible impulse and could not control himself and stop himself from committing the crime then he was legally insane. But the problem with that test is, was it really an irresistible impulse or was it just an impulse they didn’t resist? Well, isn’t that all crime? An impulse you didn’t resist?

J.B.: I am waiting for the day neuro-science brings us to a whole new understanding of how the brain works. We’re starting to see it now, in fact.  

M.C.: True. They are doing some interesting testing now with the psychopath and showing the empathy center in their brain is inactive. There is really a physical difference between them and “normal” people that you can see.

J.B.: And they respond differently to various violent images, even differently from other criminals, even those criminals who committed violent crimes.

M.C.: Yes, people seldom appreciate that the psychopath is only 2 to 5 percent of the population. Very small; you would even call it statistically insignificant. The majority of criminals are not psychopaths. They’re messed up, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they’re the picture of mental health, but they’re not psychopaths.

J.B.: Just a couple left on my list. What about hearsay? People don’t understand that a lot of times.

M.C.: Lawyers don’t understand that one a lot of times, either. Hearsay requires its own study. Simply defined, it is a statement made out of court offered for the truth of the matter asserted. Even if you’re on the witness stand and you want to testify as to something you said to someone else during a crime; that can be hearsay. If you are not offering a statement to prove what you’re saying is true, then it’s not hearsay. For example: If you asked me, “Marcia, what are you doing?” That is not hearsay; that is a question. What truth are you asserting? There is nothing you’re proving with that statement. It might do other things, but what it is not is hearsay. 

Generally speaking, we do have exceptions which is where the confusion comes into play. For example: If I am the prosecutor and a defendant made a statement during a crime like, “Lay down or I’ll shoot you in the head,” I am allowed to put his statement on. The witness is going to say that the defendant said, blah, blah, blah. And you are going to say that what the defendant said to the witness is hearsay so how can the witness testify to it? He can because it is a party admission. Under section 1220 of the Evidence Code, that statement comes in if the prosecution is proving it. The defendant cannot do that. If he wants to put in his own statements, he has to take the stand and find a way to put it in. He cannot elicit his own hearsay; only the prosecution can do it. So that’s where it gets confusing because you have all these exceptions where this side can bring it in and this side can’t, etc. That’s why there are a lot of arguments about it. There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to the hearsay rule.

J.B.: Another thing…plea bargains. People don’t often understand why attorneys go for plea bargains rather than trials. As taxpayers they should understand, but maybe you could explain a bit about why plea bargains are necessary to the system.

M.C.: Well, I believe that if we didn’t have plea bargains, the system would collapse. There is just no possible way to have the resources to take all cases to trial. I mean, there are thousands and thousands of cases. It boggles the mind just to think of how many are in the system in L.A. County, alone. Now, defendants want plea bargains because it limits their exposure. If they go to trial they face the maximum sentence possible for all of the charges they get convicted of. If that amounts to, say, 99 years to life, and the prosecutor says I’ll give you 25 to life, then yeah, he’s going to save himself the grief of going to trial and risking the (what we call) twelve-headed monster convicting him of everything.

We wish to thank Marcia Clark for taking time out of her busy schedule to do this in-depth interview. For those who wish to check out more about “Killer Ambition,” head to And take a moment to check out where Marcia and Jan posted additional links. 

Originally aired on Crime & Science Radio; October 2013. 


Crime and Science Radio: Investigating the Criminal Mind with Author Alan Jacobson

Join Jan Burke and me as we welcome author Alan Jacobson to Crime and Science Radio Saturday 5-23-15 at 10 a.m. PDT

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BIO: Alan Jacobson is the national bestselling author of ten thrillers, including the FBI profiler Karen Vail series and the OPSIG Team Black novels. His books have been translated internationally, they’ve been named to numerous best books of the year lists, and several have been optioned by Hollywood.

Jacobson has spent twenty years working with the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, the DEA, the US Marshals Service, SWAT, the NYPD, Scotland Yard, local law enforcement, and the US military. This research and the breadth of his contacts help bring depth and realism to his characters and stories.

For video interviews and a free personal safety eBook co-authored by Alan Jacobson and FBI Profiler Mark Safarik, please visit

Connect with Jacobson on Twitter (@JacobsonAlan) and on Facebook (



Alan’s Website:

FBI Website:

FBI Investigation & Operations Support:

FBI Behavioral Analysis Jobs:

A Look Inside the BAU:

NSA Website:

CIA Website:

Spectrum 500

Vail series 500


Crime and Science Radio: A Fly for the Prosecution: An Interview with Forensic Entomologist Dr. Lee Goff

Join Jan Burke and me as we discuss bugs and bodies with forensic entomologist Dr. M. Lee Goff.

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BIO: Dr. M. Lee Goff is one of the founding members of the American Board of Forensic Entomology, from which he retired in 2013.  Professor Emeritus, in Forensic Sciences at  Chaminade University of Hawaii and Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Hawaii, Manoa,, he received his B.S. in Zoology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1966, M.S. in Biology from California State University, Long Beach in 1974, and Ph.D. in Entomology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1977. He was Professor of Entomology and Chair of the Entomology Graduate Program at University of Hawaii at Manoa from 1983 until 2001. He then moved to Chaminade University of Honolulu as Director of the Forensic Sciences Program. Dr. Goff has been involved in forensic entomology for a period of over 25 years. He is currently a consultant in forensic entomology for the Office of the Medical Examiner, City and County of Honolulu and other state and federal agencies throughout the world.  He also serves as a consultant for the crime dramas CSI and Bones. He is curator of a traveling museum exhibition called CSI: Crime Scene Insects.

Additionally Dr. Goff has served as a member of the instructional staff for the FBI Academy course in Detection and Recovery of Human Remains taught at Quantico, Virginia. He has published over 200 papers in scientific journals, authored the popular book, A Fly for the Prosecution, co-edited the recent publication “Advances in Forensic Entomology” and participated in over 350 homicide investigations, consulting on cases worldwide.



Professor Emeritus Goff’s faculty Page on Chaminade University’s site

PBS Nature‘s Crime Scene Creatures Interview: Forensic Entomologist Lee Goff

Dr. Goff Interviewed on KHNL-TV

National Geographic Channel 2004 Interview with Dr. Goff

American Board of Forensic Entomology

Acarological Society of America

Acarology: The Study of Mites and Ticks (UK’s Natural History Museum)

Entomological Society of America

Insect Collections, Zoos, Museums, and Butterfly Gardens in North America

Amateur Entomologists’ Society: Forensic Entomology

How Stuff Works: What do bugs have to do with forensic science?

Smithsonian Channel Catching Killers: Insect Evidence

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Crime and Science Radio: Digging Up The Facts with Award-winning Investigative Reporter Hank Phillippi Ryan

Join Jan Burke and I Saturday, 10-25-15 on Crime and Science Radio for Digging Up The Facts with Award-winning Investigative Reporter Hank Phillippi Ryan

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BIO: HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN is the on-air investigative reporter for Boston’s NBC affiliate. She’s won 32 EMMYs, 12 Edward R. Murrow awards and dozens of other honors for her groundbreaking journalism. A bestselling author of seven mystery novels, Ryan has won multiple prestigious awards for her crime fiction: three Agathas, the Anthony, Daphne, Macavity, and for THE OTHER WOMAN, the coveted Mary Higgins Clark Award. National reviews have called her a “master at crafting suspenseful mysteries” and “a superb and gifted storyteller.” Her 2013 novel, THE WRONG GIRL, has the extraordinary honor of winning the Agatha Award for Best Contemporary Novel and the Daphne Award for Mainstream Mystery/Suspense, and is a seven-week Boston Globe bestseller. Her newest hardcover, TRUTH BE TOLD, is now nominated for an Agatha Award – a landmark back-to-back-to-back nomination! It is also now an RT Book Reviews nominee for Best Suspense/Thriller of 2014. It’s also a Library Journal BEST BOOK OF 2014, Library Journal Editor’s Pick and RT Book Reviews Top Pick, with starred reviews from Booklist and from Library Journal, which raves, “Drop everything and binge read!” She is also nominated for the Agatha Award for Best Nonfiction as editor of the anthology of essays by mystery authors, WRITES OF PASSAGE. Ryan’s next novel, WHAT YOU SEE, will debut in Fall 2015.  She’s a founding teacher at Mystery Writers of America University and 2013 president of national Sisters in Crime.



Hank’s Website:

Hank’s Facebook Page:

Hank’s Twitter Page:

Hank on GoodReads:

Trailer for the first Jane Ryland book: The Other Woman:

Hank discusses Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America:

Columbia Journalism Review:


Poynter Institute:

Emmy® News & Documentary Awards:

Radio Television Digital News Foundation:

Edward R. Murrow’s 1958 ‘ Wires & Lights in a Box’ Speech:

Pew Research Center:

Knight Lab:

Investigative Reporters and Editors:

Truth Be Told 300

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Posted by on April 24, 2015 in Interviews, Writing


Crime & Science Radio: The Body Tells the Tale: DP Lyle and Jan Burke Interview Dr. Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson

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The Body Tells the Tale: DP Lyle and Jan Burke Interview Dr. Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson

Join DP Lyle and Jan Burke as they explore the world of death, corpses, and decay with Dr. Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson. Dr. Bass is the founder of the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility, the so called Body Farm. Jon Jefferson is a journalist, writer, and documentary film maker. Together they write fiction as Jefferson Bass. This will be a lively, or is it deadly, interview.



The Body Farm-Wikipedia:

Tour The Body Farm:

Video Tour of The Body Farm:

WBIR Interview:

JeffersonBass Website:

Death’s Acre: Inside the Legendary Forensic Lab the Body Farm Where the Dead Do Tell Tales:

Metro Pulse: The Cult of Forensics Expert Dr. Bill Bass:

Peter Breslow’s 2004 NPR Profile of The Body Farm:



Crime and Science Radio begins September 7th

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Jan Burke and I are launching a new internet radio venture: CRIME & SCIENCE RADIO. It will be aired bimonthly on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. Pacific on John and Shannon Raab’s Suspense Radio program on Blog Talk Radio. Of course the shows will be archived for later listening if the timing doesn’t work out for you. Join us for the program launch on September 7th.

On the first show we will cover crime scene, crime lab, and coroner/ME basics as well as some of the common mistakes writers and screenwriters make when writing crime fiction. The goal is, of course, to help writers eliminate these common errors. In future shows we will have guests from the science and the crime fiction worlds, talk about crime and science issues of interest to crime writers, cover the latest crime tech news, and most importantly have fun.

We hope to “see” many of you there.


DP Lyle Interview on Jim Harold’s Crime Scene

Here is a recent interview I did for Jim Harold’s Crime Scene show.
Hope you enjoy it.


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Posted by on July 26, 2012 in Interviews, Writing


An Excellent Interview with My Wonderful Agent Kimberley Cameron

Here is an interview with my wonderful and hard-working agent, Kimberley Cameron. You can reach her at:


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Posted by on July 25, 2012 in Interviews, Writing


Interview: Dr. Richard Wenzel Discusses Labyrinth of Terror

Today I welcome Dr. Richard Wenzel to The Writer’s Forensics Blog to answer a few questions about his new medical thriller Labyrinth of Terror. Dr. Wenzel is the former Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Dr. Wenzel, welcome.

Q: What inspired you to write Labyrinth of Terror?

A: I’ve always loved writing – and it has been a gift in academic medicine where publishing has been critical to success. But I wanted to reach out to a large audience, and fiction – especially a thriller – offers that opportunity. 

Labyrinth of Terror allowed me to combine an interest in three themes – the bio-terror threat in the 21st century, my love of Greek mythology, and my fascination for the city of London, where I lived for one year during a sabbatical. Of course, international politics forms a background for the story.


Q: What first sparked your interest in the field of infectious disease research?

A: I had three experiences that sparked my interest in infectious diseases: at age eight, as a climber of big trees, I fell twenty feet the day school had recessed for the summer and fractured the femur, the large bone in the thigh. I spent an extra 3 weeks in the hospital after a hospital- acquired infection developed at the entrance to the pin holding my bone in place. It was a Staph infection in my leg. That experience opened my eyes to medicine and helping people in general.

In my third year in medical school, my microbiology professor at Jefferson arranged a three month visit to the Philippines where I helped treat 100 new patients a day with cholera – a deadly diarrheal disease. I felt useful during that epidemic and thoroughly enjoyed the international aspect of this field.

In the second year of my internal medicine training at the University of Maryland, my chair of medicine arranged a 3 month visit to Bangladesh during a cholera epidemic there, and now I could take charge of patient care. During that same time I saw patients with leprosy, tetanus and smallpox. I knew that the field of infectious diseases was important to me!

Q: Describe some of the experiences you’ve had as a physician that awoke you to the reality of bio-terror and germ warfare.

A: After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, I began to read of that country’s many clandestine bio-terror laboratories scattered throughout the nation in different cities. Unknown to the rest of the world, the Soviets had been working for twenty years on deadly strains of anthrax, smallpox, tularemia and other pathogens.

Later on, I met Ken Alibek, the number two scientist in the Soviet Union’s secret bio-terror program. He had defected to the U.S. And very coldly told me that he and his colleagues thought that they were doing something important for science and for their country. I was struck by his apparent lack of global perspective or a consideration of consequences or ethics while he worked in the Soviet Union. 

Terror arrived in the U.S. on 9-11, and at that time no one was initially sure that a release of bio-weapons had been a part of the plot. Soon afterwards, true bioterrorism came to the United States when the anthrax-laced letters began to arrive in post offices, the offices of journalists, and members of congress. 

Surely a large scale bioterrorist attack is possible.

Q: Labyrinth of Terror takes place in some exotic locales. Describe some of your more memorable travels, and how they figure in your writing process.

A: I mentioned my early experiences in the Philippines and Bangladesh. Since then I have traveled widely in continental Europe, Asia and South America. During a year in London in 1985-86, the Achille Lauro incident occurred when a group of terrorists attacked a pleasure cruise; several airline hijackings occurred, an airline office in London was blown up, and our children’s school was boarded up because of anti- American sentiment – especially after Reagan bombed Gaddafi. 

My family and I lived for six weeks in Taiwan, and my wife and I have spent weeks in Australia, New Zealand and Tanzania, and the Middle East.

Travel exposes people to the rich histories and cultures of people who look and live differently from you. Their own views, family stories and myths are fascinating, mysterious and sometimes challenging to the views one had before the visits. As a result a person has to reexamine strongly held concepts, especially when listening to the stories that foreigners tell you about their beliefs, struggles, concerns and views of America?

Q: How much research did you do for Labyrinth of Terror, and how much of the book did you write from imagination?

A: Although I eventually had the key concepts of the book in my mind, I did a great deal of research to be sure that I had the facts down correctly. Especially the history of Palestine after 1948 and various attempts to resolve issues between Israel and Palestine. I also wanted to be sure I had details about Greek mythology and various histories. I looked outside of London for details that were important in the book, and even some details about London itself.

Q: What sets Labyrinth of Terror apart from other medical thrillers?

A: One of the key differences in Labyrinth of Terror is the critical role of both an epidemiologist and a microbiologist in solving the “who done it.” Usually the standard sleuths are detectives. Furthermore, the use of mythology in the book informs the motivation for the bio-terror. And without trying to overstate so, my own experiences and expertise in both infectious diseases and epidemiology makes the book knowledgeable and credible.

Q: Should people be afraid of impending bio-terror attacks? What can the average person do to be prepared for that possibility?

A: People should be aware of the possibility and even likelihood of bio-terror attacks, not necessarily be afraid. With luck and the dedication of curious clinicians, the expertise at CDC and early response teams, we will prevent or minimize their impact.

Q: Greek mythology plays an important role in the plot. What led you to incorporate myth into a primarily scientific narrative?

A: Myths are a part of every culture, and Greek mythology is rich with interesting stories. Myths provide people with hope, especially if they are poor or weak, or unattractive or victims of fate. Myths orient us to how we view life and the world around us and through which we interpret day to day challenges. I purposely used myth to help explain the motivation behind the bio-terror plot in the story. In the title of the book, the word labyrinth reflects the importance of Greek mythology.

Q: What plans do you have for future novels?

A: I have just begun to outline a few ideas for a sequel to Labyrinth of Terror. Of course I will have many of the characters meet up again but in a totally new location, facing totally new greats. I am very excited!


Posted by on December 1, 2011 in Interviews